Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Praise Pod

An innovative new invention hoping to tackle badly behaved children by acknowledging positive rather than negative behaviour. This works on the belief that children striving for attention will need to show positive traits and good behaviour in order to gain attention, praise and earn rewards. Good behaviour will be recognised and recorded.

Children will we sent to the pod for particular instances during the school day for example if they have been particularly polite, tried hard on a homework task, helped an adult or another child e.t.c. They will then get the opportunity to record and burn to a dvd their achievement, which they can then show their parent or carer. Children are also given the opportunity to praise other children or adults in the school, which reinforces positive thinking and respect for one another.

Although this is still being tested, the schools using the praise pod have recorded successful results: improved behaviour and higher self esteem from pupils.

newsround article
praise pod website

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